In this video, Holly will talk about the different types of plants you can add to your garden to attract butterflies, hummingbirds, and other pollinators.
Plants mentioned in this video:

Jumbo 6-Packs $5.95
36-Count Flat $29.95
This particular variety is Clear Crystal Mix. Other varieties we typically carry are Clear Crystal Purple Shades, Easter Bonnet Deep Rose, Easter Bonnet Violet, and Snow Crystals.
Price & size varies
Lavandula S. Madrid Lavish Pink (Lavish Pink Lavender) is the variety most loved by Holly. This comes in a #1 container for $11.95. Also featured was the trident-flowered lace leaf llavender in a #1 container for $11.95. There are many varieties of Lavender that we carry which come in containers between 4" and #1. The varieties will be listed on our inventory page under both Bedding & Color as well as #1 Container Perennial Bed.

Price & size varies
Belleza White & Belleza Dark Pink were both featured in this video in 4" containers for $5.95. We carry more varieties in both 4" and #1 containers. The varieties will be listed on our inventory page under both Bedding & Color as well as #1 Container Perennial Bed.

Price & size varies
The featured variety of Verbena is Verbena Cadet Upright Hot Pink Wink in a 4" container for $5.95. We carry many different types of verbena that will all attract pollinators in 6-packs, 4", and #1 containers. The varieties will be listed on our inventory page under both Bedding & Color as well as #1 Container Perennial Bed.
Price & Size varies
Salvia 'Mystic Spires Blue' is a great option for attracting butterflies to your garden. This comes in 4" containers for $5.95. Also featured in this video was Salvia 'Killer Cranberry'. There are many, many different colors and types of salvia that you can get which will all attract pollinators. The varieties will be listed on our inventory page under both Bedding & Color as well as #1 Container Perennial Bed.

#1 Container $9.95
Featured here is Coreopsis auriculata Nana. This is a great perennial to attract butterflies.

6-pack $5.49
48-Count Flat $38.95
This particular variety is a Lemon Thyme Ground Cover. Other varieties we typically carry are Silver, Creeping, Elfin, Mauve, Pink Chintz, White, and Woolly.

Cat Mint
#1 Container $11.95
Featured here is Nepeta x 'Junior Walker' Catmint. This is a dwarf variety that gets about 18" tall.
We hope you enjoyed this post! To view our inventory lists and place an order, click here!
For smaller plants such as 6-packs and 4" containers, you'll want to view the "Bedding & Color" inventory list.
For #1 Perennials, view "#1 Container Perennial Bed".
Good afternoon ! I would like to find out which outside plants during the Holiday's. What names and images of colorful, they will be on front porch and back deck. We also live in Sonora Cal. and the zone I believe is zone 9 - can get down to 30 degrees. I would like to place an order to day, if possible. Thank you, I am a long time customer, I happen to know Ron and several others who are always helpful when we come to purchase our plants and trees. We have one more question we have several different maple trees - most of the leaves are gone due to winter, is this the time to clean an…
Is there types of sod that no need no mowing except water. I have a partial area of this type of sod. It is dying- see lots flying insects when I am trying to rake the dead areas.